Book a room
If your dates are at all flexible, please let us know. We book up quickly, especially in the summer, but would love to find a way to host you.
To book, please complete the form below. We will then contact you within 24 hours.
If the date you require is available, we will ask you to confirm by email that you will proceed with the booking and ask you to send us a 30% deposit. The outstanding 70% must be paid upon arrival by cash (Euros), Paypal or bank transfer. Your booking confirmation will be sent to you on receipt of your deposit. (If you haven’t heard from us, check your Email Spam folder)
Conditions for refund if you have to cancel:
Up to 90 days before your arrival, your deposit will be refunded
90 to 30 days before your arrival : 50% of your deposit will be refunded
0-30 days before your arrival : your deposit will not be refunded
Please note: We do NOT accept credit cards.